Alto nivel de control y seguridad
El Spectrum Bodyscan DV es capaz de proveer un alto nivel de control y seguridad en: penitenciarias, aeropuertos, cruces de fronteras y otras instalaciones gubernamentales. Inspección de cuerpo entero, incluyendo la suela del calzado, con sistema de registros y control automático de la dosis de radiación recibida y acumulada para cada persona inspeccionada.

Inspección Rápida y segura
Tecnología innovadora de baja dosis de rayos X adecuada para una inspección constante, sin hacer daño a la persona inspeccionada. Inspección rápida con alta capacidad de detección de amenazas: líquidos, explosivos, drogas, láminas metálicas y plásticos.
Technical Differentials
- Server for integration of dose control in multiple equipment, in order to meet the requirements of CNEN (Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear – Brazil) and international standards
- Biometric operator login for greater safety in the operation
- Identification of inspected people by biometrics, ensuring greater agility in the operation of the equipment
- Directing images of people inspected for the same sex as the operator
- Sensors for automatic identification of the person on the treadmill, allowing greater safety for the inspected
- Sensors for automatic identification of the size of the inspected individual, for maximum reduction of x-rays doses
- Approved by CNEN (Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear – Brazil) for operation in prisons
- More than 400 equipment in operation in Brazil
- Integration with visitor registration system
- Video monitoring system integrated to the equipment
- Armored cabin with open door sensors for maximum safety during operation
- Equipment approved for image streaming by ONVIF
- Detectors under the feet for viewing small slides and other illicit items on the sole of the shoe
- System for photographic registration of the inspected
- Dosimeter integrated to the equipment
- Stainless steel operation keyboard with high resistance and durability
- Self-diagnosis system in real time
- Automatic images export thru network connection
- Intercom integrated to the equipment

Para mantener la eficiencia del sistema de control y seguridad de su organización, hable con los asesores de VMI Security